Mente Dispersa

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quinta-feira, julho 14, 2005

2 minutos de silêncio...

Hoje a Europa chorou em silêncio durante dois minutos, pelas vitimas dos atentados de Londres. Será que amanhã a Europa vai chorar pelas crianças que morreram ontem num atentado no Iraque?

In other violence Thursday, gunmen attacked a checkpoint near the headquarters of the Iraqi Police Major Crimes Unit in western Baghdad, killing two police officers and wounding four others.

Thursday's attacks come on the heels of a suicide car bombing the day before in the Iraqi capital that killed 27 people -- many of them children.

The bomb went off near a U.S. military convoy as soldiers were handing out treats to children in eastern Baghdad's al-Jaddeda neighborhood.

Iraqi police said most of the dead were children.

The U.S. military said at least seven children and an American soldier were killed and three soldiers were wounded. The attack also left 20 people wounded.



Blogger Sandra B. N. said...

Pois é, o que está lá longe não nos afecta... Só quando morre gente igual a nós, da nossa "tribo", é que ficamos perturbados com isso... Mecanismos de defesa do tempo da idade da pedra...

10:53 da manhã  

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